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Vertx Server Engine

Vert.x is a lightweight and flexible open-source framework for building reactive, event-driven applications in Java and other JVM languages. It provides a comprehensive toolkit for developing scalable and high-performance networked applications that can handle a large number of concurrent connections. The framework's key features include a non-blocking API that allows for efficient use of resources, a modular architecture that enables easy integration with other libraries, and a distributed event bus for communication between components.

Vert.x currently supports GraphQL APIs.


The Vertx server engine is configured as an engine in the package configuration with the following configuration options.

Field NameDescriptionRequired?
namevertx string literalYes
portPort where the server listens for API requests. 8888 by default. This setting is ignored when running in a docker container - use docker port mapping insteadNo


Deployment Artifacts

The DataSQRL compiler generates a Vertx server model that maps the API endpoints onto execution plans for fetching and assembling the requested data. The server model is generated in the file build/deploy/server-model.json. In addition, DataSQRL generates a server configuration file for connecting to the database.

Build Executable

To build an optimized executable for the server, run the following docker command.

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/build:/build datasqrl/engine-vertx

This builds a standalone server executable in the vertex-server.jar executable jar (inside the build/deploy/ directory).

Deploy Executable

You can run the standalone Vertx executable jar with the associated model and configuration files on any machine, cloud instance, or suitable docker image.

Take a look at the docker documentation for using docker to automate the setup of the Vertx server with the standalone executable jar.