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What is DataSQRL?

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DataSQRL is an open-source data development framework for building data pipelines, event-driven microservices, and AI data products. It provides the basic structure, common patterns, and a set of tools for streamlining the development of data solutions.

DataSQRL is an open-source framework that you can use to build and deploy data pipelines. Get started with:

brew tap datasqrl/sqrl
brew install sqrl-cli

Check that you're on the current version of DataSQRL by running sqrl --version To update an existing installation:

brew upgrade sqrl-cli

With DataSQRL, there's no need for complex backend setups or managing multiple services. Just add DataSQRL in your development process, define your data processing in SQL, and let DataSQRL compile everything into an optimized, scalable data pipeline. DataSQRL handles everything from data ingestion from various sources like databases, streams, and APIs to processing and exposing the data via APIs or directly to databases.

Here are a few example pipelines:

IMPORT datasqrl.tutorials.seedshop.Orders;  -- Import orders stream
IMPORT time.endOfWeek; -- Import time function

/* Create new table of unique customers */
Users := SELECT DISTINCT customerid AS id FROM Orders;

/* Create relationship between customers and orders */
Users.purchases := JOIN Orders ON Orders.customerid =;

/* Aggregate the purchase history for each user by week */
Users.spending := SELECT endOfWeek(p.time) AS week,
sum(i.quantity * i.unit_price) AS spend
FROM @.purchases p JOIN p.items i

Why use DataSQRL?

  • Simplified Data Engineering: Automate the integration of multiple data technologies and eliminate the "data plumbing" needed to build data pipelines.
  • Runs Everywhere: DataSQRL runs in cloud environments, local servers, and even on large-scale data infrastructure.
  • User-Friendly SQL Interface: Focus on what your data should do, not how it's processed. DataSQRL's SQL-based interface is accessible to beginners and powerful for experts.

You can also learn more about DataSQRL, its benefits, and whether to use DataSQRL for your data product.

Getting Started with DataSQRL

  • Jump into our Getting Started Guide for a quick introduction to the basics of DataSQRL.
  • Explore the Interactive Tutorial and Quickstart to see DataSQRL in action.
  • Check out the reference documentation covers all aspects of DataSQRL in detail. If you want more information on how to use DataSQRL or are looking for comprehensive documentation, this is your place to go.
  • Learn more about advanced features and customization in our How-to Guides.

Join the DataSQRL community

DataSQRL is an open-source project. If you want to learn more about the internals or contribute to the project:

  • Star us on GitHub and contribute to the project.
  • Discuss, ask questions, and share your DataSQRL projects on Slack.
  • Report issues or suggest features directly on our GitHub Issues page.

Getting Information

Technology is only one piece to a successful data product. Learn more about the DataSQRL process for building data products that deliver value and keep your team sane.

Getting Help

Couldn't find what you were looking for? Need help or want to talk to somebody about your problem? No worries, the DataSQRL community is here to help.