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DataSQRL Command Reference

You interact with DataSQRL through the DataSQRl command on your command line. The DataSQRL command compiles SQRL scripts, discovers data sources and sinks, and publishes packages to the repository.


We recommend that you run the DataSQRL command through docker and the following example commands use docker. This requires that you have docker installed and running on your local machine.

Common Options

All following commands accept these options:

Option/Flag NameDescription
-c or --configPath to one or more package configuration files. If multiple files are provided, the contents are merged into a single configuration file in the order listed. If this option is omitted, the package.json file in the current directory is used. If no such file exists, DataSQRL generates a default package configuration.

The package configuration configures the compiler, data pipeline architecture, engines, and dependencies among other aspects. Review the package configuration documentation for more information.


The compile command compiles an SQRL script and optional API specification to a data pipeline. The deployment artifacts for the data pipeline are written to the target directory.

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/build datasqrl/cmd compile myscript.sqrl myapischema.graphqls

The compile command takes the path to the SQRL script and API specification as first and second argument, respectively. The API specification is optional. If none is provided, DataSQRL generates it from the script.

The compile command accepts these options:

Option/Flag NameDescription
-a or --apiGenerates API specification for the compiled script.
  • Use option argument graphql to generate a GraphQL schema in the file schema.graphqls
The API specification file is written into the current directory and overwrites any existing file with that name.
-t or --targetWrites the deployment artifiacts of the compiled data pipeline into the target directory. deploy/ by default.
--mntMounts the specified directory as a volume in the generated docker-compose template so local data can be accessed
--nolookupDisables lookup of packages in the repository that cannot be resolved locally or as dependencies.


The discover command creates new data source and sink packages by inspecting a configured data system.

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/build datasqrl/cmd discover system.discovery.table.json

The discover command takes the data system configuration file as an argument and supports the following options:

Option/Flag NameDescription
-o or --outputData discovery writes the package configuration files to this directory. Defaults to the current directory.
-l or --limitThe maximum time (in seconds) for data analysis. Data discovery terminates data analysis after this amount of time. Defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour).

Read the data discovery documentation to learn more about adding data sources and sinks for DataSQRL.


The publish command publishes a local package to the repository so that it can be used as a dependency in other SQRL scripts and projects.

The publish command is executed in the root directory of the package to be published. It archives all files in the package and submits the archive to the repository under the name, version, and variant of the package as configured in the package configuration. The command publishes to the local repository by default.

The publish command does not auto-generate a package configuration and expects the package configuration in the local file package.json or configured via option. The package configuration must include the package information which specifies the name, version, and variant of the package.

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/build datasqrl/cmd publish

The publish command supports the following options:

Option/Flag NameDescription
--remotePublishes the package to the remote repository in addition to the local one. Publishing to the remote repository requires user credentials for authentication. Read more about publishing to remote repository.

Read the repository documentation to learn more about publishing packages to the repository.