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File System

The file data system reads and writes data from a file system. That can be a local or attached file system, a cloud file system like AWS S3, HDFS, or URLs.

File System Connector

"type": "source",
"connector": {
"name": "file",
"directoryURI": "~/datasqrl/datasets/mydata",
"fileURIs": [],
"filenamePattern": "^([^\\.]+?)(?:_part.*)?$",

The file connector has the following configuration options:

Field NameDescriptionRequired?
directoryURIURI that identifies the directory of the data.Yes, unless fileURIs is not empty
fileURIsList of URIs that identify the files of data. Can only be used as data source.Yes, unless directoryURI is not empty
filenamePatternRegular expression pattern to identify multiple partitions of a fileNo

When directoryURI is specified, data discovery locates all files in that directory. In addition, data is loaded incrementally as new files are added to the directory when DataSQRL is running.

fileURIs is an explicit list of files to use as table sources. Use fileURIs when reading the directory is not possible, or you want to control exactly which files in a directory are loaded. fileURIs can only be used as a data source.

The file connector expects either directoryURI or fileURIs to be configured, but not both.

When a dataset is partitioned into multiple files, configure the filenamePattern so that DataSQRL can identify all the files that belong to a single table. The default pattern groups assigns files with a _part suffix to one table. For example, the files orders_part1.json, orders_part2.json, and orders_partSomething.json are all source files for the Orders table. Note, that the filename pattern is applied to the name of the file without data format or compression extension.

filenamePattern is often used in combination with directoryURI to load in new data into a streaming table as files matching the pattern are added to the directory.

Supported File Systems

DataSQRL supports both local and remote file systems for reading and writing data. The "scheme" of the directoryURI (i.e. the first part of the URI) determines what file system is used.

  • Local File System: URIs that start with file: or a simple path on the local file system.
  • S3: URIs that start with s3:.
  • HDFS: URIS that start with hdfs:.
  • URL: URIs that start with http: or https. Can only be used as a source.

Data Format

The file system connector supports all data formats.

The file system connector supports automatic data format discovery based on the file name extension. For example, a file that ends in .json is assumed to have the JSON data format. That means, it is not necessary to configure a data format in the data system configuration.

If a data format is configured, automatic data format discovery is disabled and the format is applied to all files in the directory.


The file system connector supports data compression and determines how to decompress files based on the extension. For example, a file that ends in .json.gz is decompressed with gzip.

The following compression algorithms are supported:

  • Gzip: Extension .gz, .gzip
  • Deflate: Extension .deflate
  • Bzip2: Extension .bz2
  • XZ: Extension .xz

DataSQRL expects the compression extension to come after the data format extension for automatic data format discovery.

Data Discovery

Data discovery locates all files in the configured directory (or list of files). It extracts the extensions to determine the compression algorithm (if any) and data format of the file. If a data format is configured, the format extension is ignored.

The filenamePattern regular expression is applied to the filename without extensions and the match for the first capturing group is used as the table name.

Data discovery reads the data files to determine the schema if a schema is not specified.

Data discovery provides an easy shortcut for adding a data source from a directory with having to create a connector configuration:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/build datasqrl/cmd discover ~/datasqrl/datasets/mydata

Pass the path to a local directory or the URI for a remote directory as the first argument to the discover command, and it generates the data system configuration with default options before running data discovery.

Data Sink

File system can be configured as a data sink by setting the type to sink or source_and_sink. directoryURI and format are required fields when using the file system as a sink. The exported stream table is written in batches to partitioned files inside the configured directory using the table name as sub-directory.

File system supports dynamic table sinks which means you only need to configure the system.discovery.table.json file and DataSQRL creates table sinks at compile time. You don't need to run data discovery or configure individual table sinks when using file system as a dynamic sink.