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Postgres Database Engine

Postgres is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that emphasizes extensibility and compliance with SQL standards. Postgres offers a powerful set of data manipulation and analysis tools, including advanced indexing options, query optimization, and support for full-text search. In addition, it provides a robust security model with built-in authentication, authorization, and auditing capabilities. Postgres is widely used in enterprise and web-based applications, as well as in academic and scientific environments, and has a large and active user community that contributes to its ongoing development and improvement.


The Postgres database engine is configured as an engine in the package configuration with the following configuration options.

Field NameDescriptionRequired?
namejdbc string literalYes
urlThe JDBC URL for connecting to the database.Yes
driverUse the string org.postgresql.Driver.Yes
dialectUse the string postgres.Yes
databaseName of the database to use for storing data.Yes
userUser name for authentication.No
passwordPassword for authentication.No


Deployment Artifacts

The DataSQRL compiler generates a database schema for Postgres that includes all table definitions and optimal index structures. The schema is generated in the build/deploy/database-schema.sql file.

Build Executable

The Postgres database engine does not require building an executable. You can install the schema directly in the database.

Deploy Executable

Install the database schema from the sql file in the database by running the SQL DDL statements contained in the file.

Take a look at the docker documentation for using docker to automate the setup of a Postgres database and using Postgres initialization to install the schema.